Sheriff’s “Toys For Kids” Program on Track for Record Year
In a year plagued with the disruption of a global pandemic, Sheriff Mike Neal’s “Toys For Kids” program is working to paint a silver lining on an otherwise troubled 2020. The program is seeing more applications and even greater support from countless community partners.
“I personally appreciate everything the community is doing in a bad situation, with this Covid going on. These kids have had a rough year, and it’s great to see everyone stepping up to make sure they have a great Christmas,” said a grateful Sheriff Neal.
Dayton Drug & Wellness
Food City
River Valley AG Credit
Santa’s Workshop
Contributions and applications are already 15-20% over last year with more coming in daily, as the December 10 application deadline approaches. You can pick up applications at the Sheriff’s Office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For individuals wanting to give a child in Rhea County a brighter Christmas, you can find the Sheriff’s Angel Tree located at Vision Center in the front of Walmart.Contributions and applications are already 15-20% over last year with more coming in daily, as the December 10 application deadline approaches. You can pick up applications at the Sheriff’s Office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For organizations and businesses, there’s no deadline for donating, but to make it in time for this year’s toy drive, please contact Cheyenne Swafford at the Rhea County Sheriff’s Department by calling (423)775-7837.
Rhea County Sheriff’s Department with Santa and the Grinch (submitted)
By rcsd|2021-12-01T03:29:05-05:00December 9th, 2020|News, News Room|Comments Off on Sheriff’s “Toys For Kids” Program on Track for Record Year