Sheriff Mike Neal would like to let the public know about our Re-entry Programs that we are currently offering the inmates at the Rhea County Jail. These programs are designed to help them with addiction, provide educational opportunities, and give them a skill set to try to reduce the number of them returning to jail.
The new Rhea County Justice Center has classroom space for approximately 30 inmates to receive evidence-based programs. Since opening, in March of 2021, Adult Basic Education and Celebrate Recovery, a faith based 12-step program, is available to inmates. Approximately 10 male and 20 female inmates are participating in weekly Celebrate Recovery classes. Those that are in the program will have access to, Anger Management, Parenting, Substance Abuse and Relapse Prevention. Upon completion of assessments and evidence-based programming inmates can be connected to local employers for employment opportunities. Since the program has begun, 18 inmates have graduated their job readiness classes and 16 have graduated their relapse prevention courses. Grant monies, along with collaboration with community alliances and local employers will provide the resources for implementation of evidence-based programing. This grant is imperative to establishing these much-needed services for our inmates, equipping them with both soft skills and hard skills to empower them to be successful upon release from custody.
Pictured is several members that have completed their classes under the guidance and instruction of Sheriff Mike Neal, Program Director Mona Masters, and Program Instructors Sam Britton and Roxane Elsea (not pictured). Pictured as well is Sheri Ali who is the first graduate of the Rhea County Justice Center that received her Hiset High School Equivalent Diploma. She is pictured with Leslie Travis, the program director of Southeast Tennessee Adult Education, Sheriff Mike Neal and Debby Conner Chief Examiner Southeast Tennessee Adult Education